AI Text Processing Interface

Welcome to the AI Text Processing Interface! This application allows you to process text using Chrome's native AI APIs. You can detect the language of your text, translate it into various languages, or get an AI-generated summary of your content.

How to Use the App

The interface is designed like a chat application. Your conversation will appear in the output area above, and you'll type your input in the text area at the bottom.

  • Sending a Message: Type your text in the input field and click the either of the action buttons ("Summarize ✨" or "Translate") or press Enter, to post your message in the chat.
  • Language Detection: The app automatically detects the language of your input text and displays it beneath your message.
  • Summarization: If your message is in English and contains more than 150 characters, a "Summarize ✨" button will appear. Click this button to generate a summary using the AI Summarizer API.
  • Translation: Use the language selector to choose a target language (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, or Turkish), then click the "Translate" button to convert the output text.

Navigation & Accessibility

The app is fully responsive and keyboard-navigable. Use the tab key to move between the text input, buttons, and language selector. Accessible ARIA labels and clear focus indicators are provided to enhance usability.


If you encounter any errors (such as API failures or invalid input), you will see a clear error message via a toast notification. Please ensure that you are using a supported version of Chrome with experimental AI APIs enabled.